Top 10 Evergreen SEO Tips – 2022
There are so many tips and tricks to SEO, it’s hard to know where to start. I’ve put together top 10 SEO tips for beginners. These are the easiest things that beginners can do to get started with their own site and make sure it ranks high on Google.
Make sure your website has a responsive design
A responsive design is a website that adapts to the screen size of the device it is being viewed on. This means that if you have a small screen, your content will be displayed at a smaller size and vice versa.
The idea behind this technique is that users are more likely to stay on your site for longer if they can see all their content without having to scroll horizontally or vertically and lose their place in your navigation bar.
It also allows you to show different content for desktop computers (PCs), laptops/tablets and mobile phones which are becoming increasingly important as more people use them instead of just one device such as PCs or laptops/tablets only!
You can use media queries in Google Search Console Webmaster Tools by adding them into css files so they automatically get added when uploading new pages onto your website.
Use long-tail keywords
- Use long-tail keywords
- Long-tail keywords are more specific, which means they’re less likely to be searched for and more likely to convert. They also have fewer search results than broad terms like “seo” or “web optimization”
- If you want to use a broad term, make sure the content of your website has enough unique value and clarity so that people can understand what it is you do and why they should do it too!
Avoid duplicate content
Duplicate content is a problem if you have a lot of pages that are similar. For example, if you have two blog posts about the same topic on your website and they have the same title and URL but slightly different content, this can be taken as duplicate content and negatively impact your site’s search rankings.
You should avoid duplicate content by making sure that each piece of writing has its own unique URL (and preferably an alt tag for images), which will help Google identify them as unique items when crawling your site.
Include meta Title & Descriptions
Meta titles & descriptions are a great way to improve your website’s SEO. They are short summaries of the content on your page and they can be used for both search engine optimization and user engagement.
This is why it’s important to include Meta Titles & Meta descriptions in all of your pages, not just those that have images or other multimedia elements. Include your most focused keyword in meta title and make sure your titles are under 60 characters.
The more keywords you use in your meta description, the better chance you have at ranking well in SERP’s (search engine results pages).
If someone searches for something like “how do I make homemade pizza crust?” on Google, then they’ll see an overview of their search results with information about each site’s summary text and image links included alongside them.
Optimize the page speed
- Optimize the page speed. The first step in improving your site’s SEO is to optimize your page speed, which will help you rank higher in search engines and increase traffic to your site. Use CDN to serve media and images faster. You can use a caching plugin like WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache to minimize loading times on individual pages, which will also improve performance overall.
- Minimize plugins. Plugins can have an adverse effect on overall performance due to their large file sizes and heavy loads on browsers’ memory resources; therefore, it’s important that these be removed from WordPress sites as soon as possible after installation.
Have an SSL certificate
An SSL certificate is a digital document that proves you’re the real deal. It’s similar to a driver’s license, except instead of proving who you are and what your name is, an SSL certificate confirms that your site has been digitally signed by a trusted authority. When Google sees this seal on your page, it knows that the content has been validated by an official body like VeriSign or StartCom—and therefore, it will trust everything else on the page as well (like links).
This means that this can be used for extra security when:
- A hacker tries to hack into your site with spyware or other malware
- Someone tries to steal information from your site
- Someone wants to impersonate you
Avoid keyword stuffing
- Avoid keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing is when you use a keyword so many times that it feels unnatural and forced. You may think this is what SEO is all about, but in reality, it can be detrimental to your site’s health.
Google penalizes sites for overusing keywords on their search engine results pages (SERPs) and will eventually penalize you if they see too much of these terms used together by one website or in an unnatural way on multiple pages within the same website. - Don’t use too many words in one place–this includes titles and main headings as well as text throughout the page itself!
Make sharing easy
When you’re on a website, it’s easy to forget that your audience is in a different place. You’re probably reading this article on your computer or mobile phone, so take advantage of the tools available to you and make sharing easy!
Focus on user experience
- Focus on user experience:
- Make sure the content is easy to read. If a page is too long and difficult to read, people will get bored and leave.
- Make sure the content is easy to navigate. A good way of doing this is by using headings and subheadings, which can be easily identified by search engines and other users who use their computers or smartphone (such as yourself).
- Make sure the content is easy to understand: This means that if you have a lot of information about a topic, make sure it’s presented in an understandable way.
If there are multiple sections within one article then try breaking up these sections into subsections instead; this makes them more manageable and easier for readers
Optimize your images with alt text and title attributes
Alt text is the text that appears in the image tag, and it’s an important part of your SEO strategy. As explained by Google Webmaster Central: “Alt Text allows search engines to understand what’s being depicted in images.” This means alt text helps determine how relevant your website’s content is for a particular keyword or query.
Alt text should be descriptive and concise—but not too short! It should include both keywords that may appear in captions (such as “watercolor painting”) and non-keyword phrases (such as “painting”).
These tips will help your site rank higher in search results
There are many benefits to improving your search engine optimization (SEO). Here are 10 tips that can help you achieve this goal:
- Users will find your site more easily.
- Your site will get more traffic and become more attractive to search engines, which means that it’ll rank higher in search results for users’ queries.
- Search engines will be able to identify the pages on your site with high-quality content that’s relevant for users’ searches; this makes those pages more likely to appear inbound links from other sites or blogs when someone searches for something related online—and thus even further increases their visibility on the web!
I hope you found this article useful and informative. If you have any questions or comments about SEO or any other topic, please leave them in the comment section below. I’d love to hear from you!