10 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO


Keyword research is an essential part of any SEO campaign. It’s the process of finding keywords that are related to your website, products or services and ranking for them in search engines. There are many tools available online to help you with this task, but which ones should you use? We’ve rounded up 10 best keyword research tools for SEO that will help you identify the most relevant terms for your business:


SEMrush is a keyword research tool that provides a lot of data on competitors, including backlinks and rankings. You can use SEMrush to find out which keywords your competitors rank for, how much traffic they receive and what their average organic traffic looks like. This is a great way to see what keywords are most important for your business or website.

SEMrush is a paid tool but it’s worth it if you’re serious about keyword research because it gives so much valuable information about your competition!


Soovle is a free keyword suggestion tool that will return related keywords, websites, and domains. It’s easy to use and can help you find the right words for your page.

  • Enter a keyword in the search bar at the top of any page on soovle.com, then click “Get Suggestions” or simply “Search.”
  • Go through each set of suggestions as you would with Google’s autosuggestion tool—you’ll be surprised how many times they’re correct!

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool to help you manage your website’s presence in Google Search.

It provides data on search queries and impressions, clicks, CTR, and position.

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer is a tool that helps you find the best keywords for your niche. It’s also a great tool to use if you want to do keyword research on your own website or blog.

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer works by showing all of the search volume, traffic and competition data associated with each keyword. By clicking on any one of these details, it’ll bring up more information about that particular keyword including:

  • The number of monthly searches
  • How much competition there is (based on Google Pagerank)
  • Estimated CPC/CPA costs for organic search results

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that helps you find new keywords and analyze your existing keyword data. It helps you create keyword lists and get traffic estimates for your site. You can use this tool to find long-tail keywords related to the topics that you write about, as well as create landing pages with these keywords in mind. The best part about this service is that it’s easy to use!

The “How It Works” tab will walk through how to set up the tool, which includes creating multiple lists based on different factors such as competition level (organic vs paid), audience type (b2b vs consumer) and more. Once those lists are created, click “Get Ideas” at the bottom right corner of the page where there are tabs labeled “Suggested Terms” or “Top Searched Phrases.” These two options should give plenty of ideas on what types of content could benefit from each list—for example: if one list contains terms related directly towards luxury goods then another might contain medical terms instead because those two categories tend not have much overlap but both still have lots of search volume!


KeywordTool.io is a free keyword research tool that helps you find long-tail keywords and get search volume data for them.

The tool gives you an opportunity to see how well your website ranks for popular long tail phrases, which gives you a better understanding of how well optimized your site is for specific niches or industries so that you can make informed decisions about where to invest time and money in terms of content creation and marketing campaigns.

Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz Keyword Explorer is a free tool that helps you find low competition keywords that you can use to target your content.

It’s important to know how many times a keyword has been searched on Google, but this data is not always easy to come by. You can get this information by using the “Search Volume” section of Moz’s Keyword Planner, but it doesn’t show up anywhere else in their interface until you click the button at the top right corner of their page and then select “Show advanced filters” before clicking “Advanced search settings” in order for all available filters to be visible; after doing so, scroll down until you see something like this:

  • Traffic rank: shows how often people have searched for this term in Google over time; lower numbers indicate more searches per month (or year) than higher ones
  • Adwords cost per click (CPC): shows what advertisers are willing to pay when someone clicks through ads associated with this keyword

Google Trends

Google Trends is a free keyword research tool that gives you data on search volume and popularity trends for any keyword or phrase. It’s the best way to get an overview of how people use words on Google, and it can help you understand what topics are most popular with your audience.

Google Trends is especially useful if you’re looking for long-tail keywords — those that aren’t part of a competitive niche, but rather fall in between two main categories (e.g., “soup” vs “broth”). This makes them harder to rank for than short-tail queries (which are often more specific). But if there’s no competition at all in this range of terms—and even if there were—you’ll find plenty of opportunities here!


KWFinder is a keyword research tool that provides keyword suggestions, keyword difficulty and SERP analysis. It also provides a keyword cloud and a keyword difficulty score. The tool also allows you to filter keywords according to their volume, CPC and competition.


Serpstat is a great keyword research tool for SEO.

Serpstat has a free version and a premium version, but the premium version is worth it if you’re serious about your SEO strategy. It has everything you need to find long tail keywords, including:

  • The ability to filter by industry or country (if it’s important that the keyword be in an exact location)
  • The ability to filter by language (if you want your target audience to be able to search for your product in their native tongue)
  • Keyword suggestions based on what other websites have already done with similar queries

Use these tools to find the best keywords for your niche.

  • SEMrush
  • Soovle
  • Google Search Console
  • Ahrefs Keywords Explorer
  • Google Keyword Planner (GKP)
  • Moz Keyword Explorer
  • KeywordTool.io
  • KWFinder
  • Serpstat


Focusing on keywords will help you build a more targeted website, but it’s not enough. You need to know what people are searching for and how to rank for them in order to get traffic from search engines. That’s where tools like KeywordTool.io come in handy! With this tool you can see which keywords are trending nationally or regionally, as well as monitor changes over time so they can give you an idea of what might be popular today or tomorrow – all without having access to the data yourself.


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